​How does ECC use these funds?
Our offering is a two-fold way that we support the ministry of the church. Our offerings not only support the budget of the church, but they support the missional work that we do in our community, region, and denomination. You are welcome to give through physical or digital means, or by offering your time to the work of the church.
Check Instructions
Checks can be made out to Evergreen Christian Church and can be sent to our mailbox at P.O. Box 427, Evergreen, CO 80437 if you're not local.
Online Giving Instructions
Evergreen Christian Church has established an electronic giving account with Givelify. This service provides secure giving. Givers establish an account with Givelify and set their payment method(s). The app is free to use and download.
You can find out more about Givelify here.
Things to know about Givelify:
Givelify is secure. Your payment methods will not be stored on Evergreen Christian Church’s website.
Fees for using Givelify: Card (debit/credit) giving: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.
Card donation example
$200 gift
Fee: 2.9% + 0.30 = $6.10.
Donation with fee included: $206.10.
High rewards cards such as American Express may have higher fees.